Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Ancient Egypt is synonymous with cats. The great Sphinx is depicted as a hybrid being: part cat, part human. Cats were revered as sacred. Cat-like eyes appear in the depictions of people. But does this point to more than a fetish for these furry felines? Could this be a clue into the nature of aliens in Egyptian history?
In answering this question it is interesting to note that Egyptians were particularly interested in the astronomy of the star Sirius. Multiple signs of this have been discovered, including perfect astronomical alignments of pyramid features to Sirius.
Now we come to a connection. Numerous people who claim to have been visited by Sirians (including Astarte!) have described them as cat-like. Photos depicting visitations appear with mysterious, misty cat features.
This begs the question: Could Sirian beings have visited Egypt? Is it possible they even mixed with the Egyptian race to produce hybrid DNA? Certainly humans possessing cat features might suggest this and may have been a pictorial clue left for us by Egyptians in their relics.
Were the rulers of Egypt super human by virtue of their supernatural DNA? Did they possess special knowledge and powers bestowed on them by their mixing with the Sirian race?????
Many cultures have written of their "Gods" from the sky having divine "relations" with human women to produce offspring with special abilities. Could these be more than myths? Is it a coincidence that modern day accounts of mysterious pregnancies purportedly associated with extra-terrestrial encounters abound as well? Is this the same phenomenon? Are extra-terrestrials inserting their DNA purposely into the human race?
Astarte and I have a similar way of receiving confirmation that we now refer to as "downloads." When discussing this connection between the Sirians and Egyptians over the telephone we simultaneously (as it often happens for us) received multiple waves of very strong "downloads." Very exciting!!! We have both come to understand these waves of spine-tingling energy as our own spirit guides shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
The supernatural exists amoung us. It is a reality, not a fantasy. I believe we all possess abilities beyond what our "rational" minds allow us to think. Is it possible there is a little supernatural DNA that has been mixed in and passed down to all of us, just waiting for activation? And just what would it take to activate it?
That, dear reader, I will leave to your very own fantastic imagination.....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This crop circle appeared on the summer solstice 2010 and has been interpreted by an outside source as an event happening on aug 6th 2010. Our beloved Inanna took one look at this crop circle and deducted in about 3 seconds time that it is a calendar of some kind. (without any prior knowledge of the outside prediction) Then I got home and everyone is shouting all over the place on the Web about an earthquake happening soon, and a big one. So I put 2 and 2 together and think that Aug 6th may be the date of a huge earthquake and it looks like it's going to be in the United States. I have not received this information from any light beings, but am using my intellect for this one so let's see what happens in the next eight days. Everyone make sure they have their emergency supplies in tip top shape. I gotta go call Inanna and have her pull an oracle card on this one! Light & Love to all!


Monday, July 5, 2010


Hey everyone, Astarte here.....My Galactic friends came by this morning and had a message for y'all. I think it's good news but as usual these days it's going to come with difficulty for some.

"Today we come to you with brilliant news that we are blessed to be able to pass onto you and in turn pass onto the 144,000. There is a storm brewing that will seem to be so dark that you will struggle with the fear that could abound from this storm. But we tell you that this is a storm of a magnitude that will change your world and it is the tipping point that is needed in this time of struggle.

Your masses still refuse to look toward the light and there is a great imbalance that comes forth on your planet now. This is about to change. The unity consciousness that you dream of is possible and it is determined by you and your kind. This event will tip the chalice and bring a wave of energy into your vessels that will bring the love of connectedness that you all seek at this time. This event will change your future forever. The possibility of this event is right around your linear corner in time. We will give you a sneak peek preview at this time. You will see a wave from the mountain that will flow in a way to uplift those who long for it. The mountain will take with it all unwanted energies at this time. The flow will come from the north and the east and it will change things forever. Please prepare yourself ones for the life that you seek. When this wave comes you simply need to hook into it and you will find that it is the ride of your life. You will begin to connect to like individuals and when you come together you will bring and anchor in the life that so many of you desire. Hold the vision, for this is what will bring the change with the energy wave.

You are all brilliant and empowerment is knowing that you are brilliant at all times, not only when you are feeling good and on top of the world, but also when you do not feel good and want to lay in bed all day. Your brilliance is what fuels your physical body and your physical body is what carries your spirit around on this ride of life. You are being called to shift this physical vehicle at this time. There will be many changes that will come hard and fast for you. Many timelines have been moved up due to the urgency of the situation on the planet. She could no longer wait. The time is NOW. This is the climax you have all been waiting for in your movie of life. Abundant change is upon you."

Well there you have it now it'll be fun to watch unfold...

Light & Love to all,

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Ascension, crystal tutorial, card reading and the Gulf Oil Disaster, fun, fun, fun!